Be a Dance Advocate

Help prepare the Body of Christ for His Second Coming!

Did you know an estimated 98% of the church does NOT dance!?

Did you know that Joel 2:28 is a teaching about our generation stating “your sons and daughters will prophesy”?

The original root word for “prophesy” in Joel 2:28 is naba’, and it historically means to ecstatically shout, SING AND DANCE, (often with musical instruments) His prophetic words! It is the same root word used in 1 Samuel 10:5 when King Saul was coming down the mountain with a group of prophets singing and DANCING and prophesying!

To ecstatically dance and sing is to be completely surrendered to the unction and leading of Holy Spirit without fear, acting in total obedience—it is a powerful weapon of worship!

Dance as a form of worship is second nature to humanity! Its our very nature to worship Him in movement because He IS movement! Find out more WHY we all should be dancing and HOW YOU can make a difference below!

Including Dance as worship in the Body of Christ will prepare the ground for the Second Coming of Christ!

Just as John the Baptist prepared the people for the first coming of Christ through repentance, so the Bride of Christ in these last days, NEEDS to be moving in ALL the worship arts, ESPECIALLY DANCE & PROPHETIC ACTS for the preparation of His Second Coming! Dancing as worship ushers in the power and presence of Almighty Yah! (David dancing before the Lord, 2 Samuel 6:16) and invites the lost who do not know Him yet to behold His beauty and presence! (Revelation 22:17). When we accept Yeshua as our Lord and Savior, and we then dance, we give our full self as a sacrificial offering, a living sacrifice that pleases Him and affirms our unity with Him! Breakthroughs in the natural can happen from strongholds of all kinds! His glory is evident in His moving (The Mountain of Transfiguration (Mark 9), YHVH passing by Moses (Exodus 33), and when His people move in worship, they bring heaven to earth and reflect a core essential nature of who He is!

Throughout the Scriptures, people moved and saw the supernatural power of the Lord affect the earth—Moses moved his hand and split the sea; the battle of Jericho was won due to marching around the city walls and much more! And so His people will overcome every obstacle, and DANCE is a chosen weapon that the global church is missing at this hour, and ALL GOD’S PEOPLE ARE CALLED TO DANCE—YOU DO NOT NEED FORMAL TRAINING, just a willingness to move and worship Him!

Dance and Prophetic Acts AS WORSHIP has a LONG history and is THROUGHOUT the Bible! There are more than 11 Hebrew root words for dance movement in the Old Testament (the Torah, Prophets, and the Writings or TANAKH). The reason David danced before the Ark of the Covenant (2 Samuel 6) was because dancing as worship was COMPLETELY EXPECTED AND NORMAL for the children of Israel!

The current (general) belief within all denominations and expressions of Body of Messiah is that dance and gestural worship do not belong on Sabbath or Sunday morning services or sometimes in any prayer & worship event—and by some people, it might even be viewed as demonic—which is the furthest thing from the truth! There are of course exceptions to this within all expressions depending on the priest or leadership in the church, but the rule is, it is not done, and often thought to be dangerous or heretical at worst.

Sometimes, two exceptions to this anti-dance culture in the global church are Messianic fellowships where they embrace and know the history of Jewish culture involving dance as worship and African/African-American expressions of worship to Yeshua and Adonai, where dancing is as natural as breathing and talking. There are western non-denominational churches that are entering into dancing more and more, but generally these are still exceptions.

Our Messiah, Yeshua, did in fact DANCE Jewish cultural dances AS WORSHIP at various festivals—even at the Passover meal before His crucifixion! Within the Old Testament, dancing as worship was normal—dancing & moving as prayer is still normal in Jewish culture! The western church culture, as we know it today, came from Emperor Constantine in 300s AD. His mixing of antisemitism, institutionalization, and paganism, formed the traditions and expressions we still practice today unfortunately. Before Constantine, institutionalized Christianity did not exist. Yeshua and His disciples instead initially called themselves “The Way” and they met generally in small groups in homes with an emphasis on discipleship and growing in the Kingdom. They practiced meeting on the Sabbath (Saturday), read Scripture, broke bread, and likewise they celebrated the annual 7 Feasts of the Lord which would absolutely have included DANCING as worship!

This is where


come in today!

We can as the Body of Messiah rebuild dance as worship in our communities! Any denomination or church can do it. All people are called to move for His glory and passion; you do not need to go to a dance studio. It is imperative that the global Body of Messiah start dancing as worship, as it not only brings healing to people, it breaks demonic strongholds in regions and places; it also brings His matchless presence and power to earth in a unique way.

Please click below for a FREE PDF of how to advocate for your community to start moving!